Continuing the #indiamarketnumbers series on data-centric posts on the India Market. India Market Cap Growth: 2008 to 2018 Chart shows total India Market Cap from 2008 to 2018 with the year-on-year % growth (orange line). Takeaways Total Market Cap of publicly listed companies in India has grown from ₹26 Lakh Crores ($400B in constant currency terms) in 2008 to ₹140 Lakh Crores ($2,162B) over ten years, a growth of 5.4X Over the last ten years, markets have shrunk in three years, the biggest fall of 29% happening during the 2008 financial crisis. 2012 and 2016 saw marginal negative growth. Other than 2013,
The post India Market Cap Growth: 2008 to 2018 appeared first on The Calm Investor.